Monday, July 25, 2016

At Sea - Day 2

 At about midnight the ships fog horn began. At 2am I had to get up and take my watch to listen for fog horn responses night was thick with fog swirling about the ship and I could not see the water. Also, I could not hear any other signals so I decided to let the officers and deck crew manage the navigation and returned to bed. About 5 am the horns stopped, we had a rain shower and the sky cleared.
  This is a sea day. We had a leisurely breakfast, got some ironing done in the guest laundry and pottered bout. This allows for ship exploring, meeting others, settling in and resting up.
  Noon report position 43º 58.33'N and 063º 38.93'W Course 061º. Speed 14.1 knots. Depth 630 Noon to noon run 234 nautical miles (nm), total voyage 423 nm. Distance to  next port 263 nm. Temperature 68º F, 21C. Wind SW 20 knots (Beaufort force 5). Clear sky. Humidity 74%. Seas 6' and increasing tonight to 9'. Sunrise  0452. Sunset 1958. Proceeding NE off Nova Scotia. Eh?

  Tonight is “Gala” night, or formal night. Dress to the 9's and a special dinner menu followed by live entertainment.

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