Monday, July 25, 2016

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Day 3

Lake scene enroute Baddeck

  We passed the light off New Waterford at 0645 and worked our down the channel to Sydney, which is in East Cape Breton Island. The ship turned a 180 and side slipped to the cruise ship terminal pier. There was mist in the air and the temp was about 65. It was looking like a damp day ahead.
Entering the Channel

  0845 we walked ashore and were welcomed by Port Security, directed to a waiting bus and we hit the road. Our guide immediately began pointing out sites of interest and informing us of the history of the area. Sydney really got established when the Tories in America fled during the American Revolution. This was a settlement for those people. The Scots also came here and now the island is very rich in Gaelic/Celtic tradition. Many customs are maintained here and the music culture is popular and even taught in the local college. This they keep alive and share often throughout the island with many Celtic performers from around the world appearing here. Tourism is a major industry, to say the least. We had only one day here so many things had to be waitlisted for a future visit. Look Cape Brenton Island up.
  Our tour took us for an hour long drive through the countryside up to the middle of the island and the community of Baddeck on the St. Andrews Channel. There the 67’ stays’l schooner Amoeba took us aboard for a sail around part of the channel. Finally, the mist  has stopped and the sun started to appear.
A highlight of this outing was to view from the water the grounds of the Bell estate where Alexander and Mabel Bell made their summer home and had homes built for family members. There also is where he tested his invention of the 70+mph sub chaser boat, the first power controlled flight and other inventions. The first Montessori school was started in the loft above his boathouse. Also here is the National Geographic House where that Society was originated by Bell.

Bell Boathouse

Home of Alexander and Mabel Bell

Aboard the Amoeba

 Following this sailing we returned to shore and found a local diner called “3doors down diner” and dropped in for fish 'n chips. They also had Poutain which we didn't have due to time restraint.
 That was it. We returned to Sydney, stopped in the terminal to view local wares being sold and boarded the ship. By now the temperature was 80. At 1645 we slipped the lines and moved down the channel to the sea.

Showtime tonight aboard featured Maggie and Cassie, a couple of sisters who play the music of Nova Scotia and Labrador. Take a listen.

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