Friday, July 29, 2016

Qaqortoq, Greenland on Day 7

About as close as I can get to the pronunciation is this is Kuh core tawk. Please add corrections via comments.

Last night was foggy and the horn was blasting once every 2 minutes. This morning we entered the channel in clear conditions. The ice berg guarding the channel was quite distinct. At 0830 the hook was dropped about .3 nm off town then at 1030 we hitched a ride on a shore boat. There are no ship tours here so the plan is to wander about town and take in what we can find. There were some enterprising locals who did run some short tours but we elected to just walk around. The building are colorful and originally painted to reflect the needs/employment and so on. A few vendors had set up stands in a grassy area across from the pier. Carvings and bead work were featured.
Guard berg

We first took in a museum to view artwork, traditional clothing exhibits and kayaks. Then another museum for Viking and other historical local artifacts. Then a walk on a higher street with a visit to a general store, down to a grocery store for pastries and finally back to the waterfront. No restaurant.

Museum display traditional clothing


Pleasant and a fine experience. The locals welcomes us though we could not understand each others languages. Here they speak Siniluarit or Kalaallisut (an Eskimo-Aleut language) and/or Danish. A supply ship comes in once a month. A helicopter delivers mail to outlying villages.

Once our visit was over the hook was pulled and we headed for the sea which was just outside the channel and blanketed by a dark cloud and fog.

Noon report: 60º 42.59'N and 046º 02.18'W. At anchor. Depth 380'. Wind 9. Temp 52F, 11`C. Humidity 65%. Clear. Total voyage 1,174nm. Next port 830nm. Sunrise 0428. Sunset 2150.

Looking back on departure

For more information visit Qaqortoq here or .

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