Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Moose stew in Woody Point, Newfoundland

Before retiring last night our timepieces were reset to a ½ hour time change. It's kinda a local thing, eh?

Up the channel we went, quite a ways this morning then did a 180 and slid next to a commercial wharf, portside to town. The sky was cloudy and again looked like making our day damp. This is a walk-off port but one needs to take the shopping shuttle for supplies or individual wandering. We had scheduled one of those out-of-town-on-the-bus days. So, for 7 hours we left Corner Brook in order to take in another UNESCO site.

After an hour and a half in a bus without a working audio system, in which the people in the front could hear the guide and the rest could only her each other saying “what did he say?” we reached the
Tablelands at Gros Marne National Park. There we met a specialist in geology who guides us on a short walk and explained the geology and flora of that particular place. In short, we walked on the Earth's mantle. I won't try to explain the details of this site with tectonic plates, core, crust, mantle, ancient continents and rocks. It was fascinating. The sun had come out and the mountain tops could be seen.

Next came the Interpretative Center with a video of what we had just seen and a nice duet song by two of the park staff, then on the bus again to the Old Loft Restaurant on the channel for Fish 'n Chips and Moose Stew.
Lake view at Woody Point

Back on the bus again and back to Corner Brook. The AC wasn't working either so were had neither audio or cool air. Another tour suffered a break-down of their tour bus and managed to get back to the terminal just before sailing time.
At 5pm we sailed. The cruise up the channel was through high hills and bluffs, in the sunlight. This is good scenery. At 7pm we were back in the St. Lawrence channel and heading up toward Labrador.
For those inclined, the noon report is: Position 48° 57.55’N and 057° 56.57’W. (At the wharf in Corner Brook.) Sunrise 0514 and sunset 2110. Noon to noon run aw 221 nm, total cruise 910 nm. Next leg 209nm. 
Headland. Note lighthouse lower left.

Pilot Boat departing

View from out cabin leaving the channel
As in interesting aside, this cruise line is now charging $150 per person to tour the bridge and engine room. My nickles and dimes will go fast if I don't watch them. It's a good thing we have seen a few Bridges and Engine Rooms before so we won't be coughing up for that.

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