Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A couple of days at sea

Days 23 and 24
At Sea

Up the Irish Sea and into the North Atlantic again. A time change during the evening. Large swells so walking takes some concentration. There are white caps in the swimming pool. At 0415 the ship tripped over an unusually large wave and the boom it made following the downward bow drop was followed by a shake and shudder then the bow rose again and off we went. Others reported drawers in their cabins flew open.
During the morning I worked on the logbook, blog and photos. Julie went to a port lecture. Lunched watching the waves in the swimming pool. Dinner attire was formal and we dined with friends Blair and Marie whom we have sailed with before.

Noon: 58º 32.00'N and 009º 30.99'W. Course 343º. Speed 16.4 knots. Temperature 54ºF, 12ºC. Cloudy. Wind West at 34 knots. Humidity 97%. Seas 10'+. Sunrise 0553. Sunset 2132. Distance from Belfast 287.2nm, to next port 633.5nm. Total voyage 5,488 nm.

The second sea day is foggy and some rain now and then. 13 August. The fog horn was sounding.
Noon report: 64º 41.71'N and 012º 32.06'W. Speed 15 knots. Course 348º. Wind NE 2. Temp 48ºF, 09C. Humidity 98%. From Belfast 670.3 nm. To Akureyri 257nm. Total voyage 5,841nm. Sunrise 0432. Sunset 2116. Depth 510'. Off the East coast of Iceland. 

During the early afternoon there was a cook-off between the Guest Relations Dpt. and the Photo Dpt. The culinary center was filled to capacity and many of the Court of Neptune were there to cheer for our friends Andre (Manager, Guest Relations) and Mervin (Concierge). Our team didn't make the cut on this semi-final round.
Andre and Mervin, two on the right
At 1400 there was thick fog. 1810 hrs the fog was burning off and sunlight was appearing. The temperature climbed and I had 80º on my cabin window thermometer, out of the wind. Land spotted to the SW. Rounded the NE corner of Iceland during dinner. At about 2007hrs we crossed the Arctic Circle. At about 2304 hrs we reached the highest latitude of the voyage at 66º 45.48'N. A quiet night at sea.

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