Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Iceland, day 2

Day 11 Iceland

This was a fine day with a high temperature of 65ºF and clear sky. Highlights were to be visiting Thingviller (again), Gullfoss and Geysir. This time it would be by bus with 35 others. 0845 we were underway.
South of Reykjavik, out in the countryside, we stopped at a modern complex which uses the local geo-thermal energy (steam from the earth) to power turbines generating electricity for the region. This is “ON” for Orka Náttúrunnar.
What followed was several kilometers of driving through the countryside looking at horses, sheep and hills, mountains, some greenery and a few villages. 

At Great Geysir (pronounced Geezer) we stopped for lunch at a hotel after which we crossed the road for the Great Geysir. Here there are many bubbling pools of hot eater, steaming and sending forth bubbling and belching sounds. The sulfur smell was there too, though not heavy. The Great Geysir shoots into the air about every 7 minutes with a whooshing sound, misting over anyone downwind. I did not get a still shot of that but did manage to get a little video. So many people are here (and so many languages about) that it is difficult to get a shot without people and videos have audio of people “oohing” and chattering. This is a national holiday to the number of people out and about is greatly increased. We had 45 minutes to walk the area and wait for Great Geysir. Back to the bus again.

Then on to Gullfoss (I love these names) to take in the great waterfalls. We again joined the flow of other tourists, down a long flight of steps to walk along the top of the gorge to an overlook just below the upper falls. Impressive beauty and power. Majestic. Damp. (See also ) Then the climb back up the steep stairs and back on the road.

Gullfoss lower

Thingville came up next. The same as we visited yesterday, though today we proceeded directly to the great split of the rocks, a ravine, and walked down through that, stopping at the site of the oldest Parliament, then viewing the waterfall and pool where a long time ago women were drowned for
certain violations of the culture.

the earth split

falls and drowning pool

site of the oldest operating Parliament

Back to the city, dash aboard, untied and sailed away. Long day.

View of Reykjavik from the sea

view from our deck while in port

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