Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sea Day

Day 19
At Sea

Moderate weather with only a little pitching overnight and we rounded the southern part of England this day. Time was spent catching up on the log, blog and photo processing. There has been a lot of shipping around us since leaving Rotterdam.

With Irish officials on board, we made a mandatory face-to-passport check in the morning.

The noon report: Position 50º 00.85'N and 003º 25.28'W. Course 268º. Speed 16.4k. Depth 215'. Temperature 63ºF, 17ºC. Wind W 24k. Apparent wind a couple of points off the starboard bow at 38k. Humidity is 64%. Sunrise here at 0554. Sunset here 2044. Distance from Rotterdam 346 nm. To next port 327nm. Total voyage 4,679 nm.

At 18:47 we turned right and headed North into the Irish Sea. During dinner the sky cleared and to the West we could the sun setting. Conditions were right and we, along with many others, caught the green flash. Applause broke out in the dining room, which confused our Indonesian waiter. I explained the green flash to him, but I think he remained skeptical.

Another port, another country, another currency, another culture tomorrow.

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