Friday, August 26, 2016

Final day at sea

Day 34
At Sea toward USA

This day began with low seas, clear sky and warm temperature. Port side deck watch today should be easy. Breakfasted with friends in the Pinnacle Grill. Final packing is done today as we have to have our luggage packed, ticketed and placed in the hallway this evening.
This also is the day we give a little extra gratuity to those in the beverage, dining, concierge and cabin services who made the trip so much better. Holland America has a “No tipping necessary” policy for each guest is charged a little over $13 apiece per day to cover tips for the service crew, though we and many others give a little more recognition to those crew whose service was exceptional. Today is also the day to thank the crew and say our good-byes. Being in contact with several of the crew for so many days built friendships and so departing at the end of a long voyage can get emotional for both crew and guests. Plenty of hugs go around.
We threw a pizza party at 3pm in the Neptune Lounge for all guests on our deck. Champagne, pizza, sparkling water, soft drinks and lots of laughter made a fine mix. Email addresses and business cards were exchanged. Many good friendships were made this trip.
Gede and Agus, our cabin stewards and new friends

Noon report: 42º 55.52'N, 067º 10.68'W. Speed 10.3 knots. Course 255º. Depth 780'. Temperature 64ºF/ 18ºC. Wind NW at 14 knots (force 4), Apparent wind off the starboard bow at 21 knots. Humidity 74%. Distance from Halifax 204 nm. Distance to Boston 177 nm. Total voyage 8,714 nm. Sunrise 0644. Sunset 2017. (going to miss this info?)

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