Monday, August 22, 2016

Sea Day

Day 32
 enroute Halifax, NS
August 21st

After rounding Newfoundland on the SW corner last night, we headed WSW. Fine weather. On getting up this morning I had to reset my cameras and my watch for there was another ½ hour time change. The temperature outside is more moderate this morning; something like 60ºF at 6 am.

Taking advantage of a sea day, more suitcases were packed in anticipation of the end of the voyage. My morning lecture on the great fire of Halifax was interrupted by the ships PA calling a “Bright Star on cabin 1081”, which is a dire medical emergency. Scuttlebutt has it this was a drill and the announcement was “Light Star.” (Practice medical emergency.) Lunched poolside today and watched a whale spouting. Early afternoon watch portside.

Immediately after the 2:30 musical show in the showroom, there was a stampede for the dining room where the great cupcake extravaganza was held. Imagine a couple of hundred senior citizens heading for the cupcakes.

Noon report: 45º 36.81'N, 057º 13.87'W. Speek 16 knots. Depth 1196'. Course 251º. Temp 64ºF. Wind S at 18 knots (5), Humidity 79%. Sunrise 0557. Sunset 1945. Distance from St. Johns 266nm. To Halifax 289nm. Total voyage 8,226nm.

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