Sunday, August 28, 2016

Boston and Home

Day 35
Boston, Massachusetts USA

A beautiful morning again and we made an early entrance to Boston Harbor, tying up at 0615. We had a farewell breakfast with several friends in the Pinnacle then went our ways. All guests had to make a face to passport check with immigration officials in the showroom. Then we went back to the Neptune to sit with friends and await our disembarkation call. Our stateroom has already been cleaned and made ready for the arrival of the new guests as the ship sails later today.

At 0930 our group is called and we joined the mass exodus funneling out of the ship. We found our bags waiting for us and went through customs in a flash, then out to the street to search for the service we engaged to ship our luggage home. A shuttle bus took us to Logan Int'l airport to await our flight to Minneapolis. While in the airport we bumped into several friends from the ship. When we boarded the plane at 1445 we found 6 other friends. This was a long day but we finally walked in the door at home at 9pm. End of story.

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